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Briar Pashko

Psychic Medium
Reiki Master
Shamanic Healer

Check out Briar's story in Signs & Synchronicities! Available now!

About Briar


From Spirit, Through Spirit, To Spirit, With Spirit

Briar Pashko is a psychic-medium, Reiki master, and shamanic healer. She forges soul-level connections with each of her clients, and brings messages and gentle guidance from Spirit. Her philosophy, "From Spirit, through Spirit, with Spirit, to Spirit," encapsulates her dedication to creating a bridge between the physical and Spirit realms, and communicating with compassion and integrity. 


From a young age, Briar had a sense of knowing and could see, hear, and sense unseen energies around her. Although some confusing experiences in her teens caused her to succumb to fear and the logical tendencies of her Virgo side, she always felt there was something more. She continued to be drawn to mystics, hippies, and spiritual people. Eventually, Briar found the courage to stand in truth - embracing her own spiritual journey and honing her skills.


Now, Briar shares her intimate knowledge of Spirit, offering wisdom and guidance with tact and decorum - as much as she and Spirit can muster! She offers one-on-one psychic and mediumship sessions, group sessions, mentorship, and classes.


You can also find her at Through Spirit, an online community of psychics and mediums; and The Eclectic Witch.


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Briar offers Individual Mediumship Readings, Group Mediumship Readings, Psychic Readings and Parties, Flower Readings, and Awake Your Soul: Seven 1-hour one-on-one sessions


Energy Healing

Open and balance your chakras and clear your auric field! Briar offers Reiki and Shamanic healings for body, mind, and soul. Distance healing is also available.


Energetic Clearings

Heavy energy weighing down your home? Energetic space and/or land clearing makes you and your space comfortable once more.


Contact Briar

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